DriverMax Pro Full Version

Computer technicians
Pinpointing malfunctioning or missing drivers takes a lot of time for a single computer, let alone multiple PCs. DriverMax allows you to download drivers on one PC and then move them to other computers. With DriverMax you can also create backups for drivers even when formatting a computer.

Because of the fact that Windows stores all versions of older drivers, older versions get mixed up with more recent ones. To avoid that, the DriverMax Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the needed files to a folder or a compressed ZIP file. DriverMax allows you to export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place!

DriverMax finds and downloads the best drivers for your PC for:
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Both 64-bit and 32-bit editions of Windows are fully supported.

How To Install This Program :

1. Install the program
2. Wait for the installation is done
3. Use the files in the obate folder for program activation
4. Go to HELL !!!

Link Download :


WYSIWYG Web Builder 14.1.1 Full Version

Desktop publishing for the web, build web sites as easy as Drag & Drop!
• "One Click Publishing" No FTP program needed. No special hosting required, use with any Hosting Service!
• Easily create forms using the built-in Form Wizard plus Form validation tools and built-in CAPTCHA.
• Advanced graphics tools like shapes, textart, rotation, shadows and many other image effects.
• Fully integrated jQuery UI (Accordion, Tabs etc), animations, effects and built-in ThemeRoller theme editor.
• Google compatible sitemap generator / PayPal eCommerce Tools
• Many navigation tools available: Navigation bars, tab menus, dropdown menus, sitetree, slidemenus.
• Built-in Slide Shows, Photo Galleries, Rollover images, Banners etc.
• Support for YouTube, Flash Video, Windows Media Player and many other video formats.
• Unique extension (add-on) system with already more than 250 extensions available!

Create HTML5 / CSS3 websites today!
• HTML5 document type (optimized HTML5 output).
• HTML5 audio/video and YouTube HTML5 support.
• HTML5 forms: native form validation, new input types and options, web storage.
• HTML5 <canvas> and <svg> support in shapes and other drawing tools.
• CSS3 @font-face. Use non web safe fonts in all modern browsers.
• CSS3 opacity, border radius, box shadow.
• CSS3 gradients. Add cool gradient effects using native CSS3 (no images).
• CSS3 navigation menu. Create awesome menus without using JavaScript or images.
• CSS3 animations and transitions. Including support for 2D and 3D transforms!

Support All Windows.

How To Install This Program :

1. Install the program
2. Wait for the installation is done
3. Use the files in the obate folder for program activation
4. Go to HELL !!!

Link Download :